Lynnette has $500 worth of fabulous prizes to give away too…woo-to-the-hoo! Here are my answers to some of the many questions she posed to get us started {I limited myself to 10}.
I guess I should start with a little background: My name is Lisa {duh}, I'm married to an Associate Pastor, mom to an 18-year old daughter {what?} and we are hopelessly enamored with our Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Riley. We live in a suburb in a little house I like to call Buttercream Cottage....and thoroughly enjoy serving the Lord, DIY projects, college sports, playing games & otherwise hanging out together while & when we can.
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Sarcastic? Noooooooooooo! Actually, my mama calls me her “reserved” child…and maybe I am on the outside – but if you could see the party in my brain, ha ha!
Be brave – tell us something very random and weird about yourself.
I rode an ostrich – and then I ate one {no, not the same one}! Well, I didn’t eat a whole ostrich, just a little bit, along with goat & alligator tail during a visit to Kenya. {I think I may have used this answer before, hmm.}
Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
I think I should have learned to play the cello!
Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
YES! I like it all. In fact, I just realized I have started waaaaayyyy too many books and need to start finishing them off before starting any other new ones.
Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? What are your favorite types?
Once more, YES! Although “Alternative” always cracks me up…isn’t every style/genre an “alternative” to the other ones? Screamo Rock & Rap would be my least faves.
If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
A place where we could have mountains with beautiful fall leaves and lakes and lots of snow in the winter, beautiful flowers & gentle breezes in the spring, and a beach that gets nice and warm, but not too hot in the summer – is there such a place? {Oh, and when it’s not snowing, it has to rain at least 1-2 days per week}. Maybe my make-believe place is a cop-out. Really, I can adapt many places, but dry depresses me and hot oppresses me, ha!
What’s something you consider yourself to be good at? (Don’t worry, it’s not bragging, it’s acknowledging a God given gift).
Cooking – I don’t make up too many of my own recipes (except out of necessity because I’m allergic to onions & garlic), but I’m pretty good at knowing something is going to taste great by just reading the ingredients!
What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of?
Fresh citrus!! I close my eyes and take “a moment” every time I use it in my kitchen.
If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?
I’m tall {& curvy}, so any clothing store where things would fit me!!!! Furniture & Design Stores, Cooking Stores, The Apple Store {as I type this on my PC}, Car Dealerships & Travel Agencies :)!
What are your favorite animals?
There! Now I can go link up and check out sissy’s other blogging chums…come join in if you want, let’s party!!
Update @ 11:39 AM: Now I'm going to answer an 11th question...Confession about a weakness that I have??? Perfectionism! I expect excellence from myself {and fail so often}, and so I often expect way too much from others, also. Case in point: I have edited & reposted this post at least 5 times. I am a very visual person and it was visually boring me with no pictures. So, I changed it up a bit. {I shall not touch it again! - Okay, so I lied....I found some pictures finally :)}
Have a Beautiful Day {especially if it's Crazy}!