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October 01, 2010

Optimizing October

I can’t even begin to tell you…no, really, if I start the floodgates will open and I’ll never be able to stop!  So, let me just say there’s a whole lot going on and God is doin’ a work!!  When life is abundant and full…and there’s a whole mess of stuff going on it can be very easy to lose your handle on the present.  You blink and a day, week, month or more has passed.  This final quarter of the calendar year is always the craziest, so I am making a concerted, prayerful effort to make the most of every day {good idea any time of year, no?}.
Octoberop·ti·mize [op-tuh-mahyz]  -mized, -miz·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to make as effective, *perfect, or useful as possible.
2. to make the best of.
"optimize." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 01 Oct. 2010.
{*dangerous word, let's not go there}
Friday is the first day of our weekend {ministry life}, so I’m going to start by getting off the computer and teaming up with hubby & daughter to finish some messy projects.  The plan is to start sharing some of the results of these many projects – beginning with what is just below the picture above, which I’ll share on Monday. :)
There are 7 bloggers sharing 31 days of pretty great stuff in the month of October.  So, if you are looking for some inspiration & encouragement you should check them out.  Below are the 4 of them that I follow, so I’ll give them some free advertising. I’ve already read today’s posts and look forward to what they have to share:
{31 Days of Autumn Bliss} -
{31 Days to More with Less} -
{31 Days of Grace} - http://www.chattingatthesky
{31 Days to a Less Messy Nest} -

Have a beautiful weekend!