One definition of muddle: verb -- to behave, proceed, or think in a confused or aimless fashion or with an air of improvisation.
Here’s the one I think I like better: verb -- Ceramics . to smooth (clay) by rubbing it on glass.
Summer seemed a bit crazy, but then September comes along and it’s like someone pressed the ZOOM button! I have one of those brains that likes to run in overdrive most of the time anyway. Even when my body is at rest, my mind prefers to multitask, dream, plan, organize, problem-solve. I don’t think I’ll every be able to re-program my brain (besides, God made it that way, He must have a purpose for it!) but I am working on how my attitude & body react to my hyperactive “noodle”. So here’s a few of the different directions it’s been headed lately…
- A wonderful friend happened to mention she had some nice neutral furniture she needed to sell…which led to jumping into a redecorating project I have been longing for, but didn’t think would happen now! I’ll update on that (with pics of course) when it’s complete, and maybe a project or two in the interim.
- I am leading a conference this weekend (it’s been 2 years since I’ve done that). My topic is based on the belief many people hold that people don’t really change. My argument is that the only one who doesn’t change is God (Malachi 3:6)…but because of our free will, our attitudes are always changing - for better or worse. I had originally planned a different topic, but just felt Spirit-led to this one. The crazy thing is I have spent many, many hours praying, reading, researching, learning and very few actually getting anything down on paper…and I haven’t been freaking out!! Hmmm…maybe His timing is not my timing (novel concept)? Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine in 2 days when I leave town with my conference in hand :)
- What is your favorite mirror? None of the ones hanging on my walls, or in my purse, or on my car windshield have been very kind to me lately. But that’s okay, I’ve discovered that this one is my favorite…
This one tells me that I am marvelously made! It reminds me that God knows me inside and out and that He sculpted me from nothing into SOMETHING!! (Psalm 139:14-15 The Message)
My favorite mirror even tells me that I am God’s masterpiece…and I can do good things He planned for me long ago!!! (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
Which mirror are you believing and listening to??
- Have you ever heard that “no one can offend you without your permission”? Well, here’s a new one for you…I was tempted recently to let someone disappoint me. First of all, people disappoint…that’s a given (Romans 3:23). Secondly, I realized my opinion, or how I felt about the situation, really didn’t matter at all and I just needed to let it go! Just 2 days ago ministry colleague Ken Lupton tweeted this…
- Humility is not thinking too highly of yourself or too low of yourself; humility is not thinking of yourself at all.
This, of course, only scratches the surface…but it has been actually a peaceful crazy time and I choose to think that it has been a time of “smoothing” my feet of clay.
Probably won’t be another post until next week…so Have a Beautiful Week (even if it’s Crazy)!