Thunderstorms. It’s Kansas. We’ve got ‘em. Yesterday was kind of a crazy day for early April. I think the temps approached 90 (F), pollen counts were sky high, and the wind b-l-e-w! Conditions were pretty good for firing up some thunderstorms. We got about 10 drops of rain in our neighborhood, but we had the opportunity to later witness what got going to our east.
My little 4-year-old point-and-shoot Sony still camera doesn’t quite do it justice…but it was AWESOME! {My wannabe storm chaser daughter was frustrated she couldn’t get still shots. I’ll have to help her learn that function on her camera.} The wind was still gusting away, and the lightning display was almost nonstop.
You could sense the power in that piece of sky. My mind wandered to just how powerful God is!! This storm was just a tiny momentary morsel of all that He created…a mere glimpse into the might of His hands. To me, this is what Fearing God is all about…realizing that NOTHING is too big, too difficult for Him to control – and that NOTHING is too small to matter.
Behold, to the LORD your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens,
the earth with all that is in it. ~Deuteronomy 10:14 ESV