I got out a dinner plate and chose a location for my 2 flowers {this would serve as a reference point for my first layer of petals} and then painted my turquoise centers. EASY, right?
Next is the part I forgot to photograph with the large white coffee filters, so I re-created here with my smaller unbleached filters. Fold the filter in half, then quarters. Cut out the center of the filter {no need to draw the line first}, then cut the 3 folds to yield 4 pieces.
Next I did a little pre-shaping by gathering the inner curved edge and pinching with my fingers. As I went along I realized I wanted a little shaping on the outer edge, too, so I started doing a little “pinching of the outer curve here and there.
Now, for the fun and messy part! Starting with the outer most part of the flower {using my dinner plate circles as a reference} I started puttin’ down the petals. I brushed some ModPodge on the canvas, placed my shaped pieces of coffee filter down, then brushed more ModPodge over the top. I repeated around the circle {overlapping the edges}, then started moving toward the center overlapping each subsequent circle slightly over the previous one.
After the ModPodge dried I realized that my pencil lines were showing through, so I decided to paint over my flower petals with 2 coats of white acrylic paint.And that’s where the photos stopped…after allowing the last coat of paint to dry overnight the next step needed to go quickly, so I couldn’t photograph it myself and just didn’t think to ask the hubby to do it for me. SO, I brushed the java-tinted glaze I had leftover from this project {equal parts mixing glaze and paint} over the blank areas of the canvas, including the sides, wiping excess off with a dry rag* and reapplying until I got the look I wanted {*if I did it again, I might used a damp rag to mute the brush strokes even more}. Then, using the same glaze I dry-brushed over the flowers {dip the tip of the brush in the glaze, then dab excess off onto a rag or paper towel before lightly brushing on the flowers}. The FINAL step was a quick spray of non-yellowing satin clear coat. Here are some “after” shots:
Voila…a 22 x 28 inch piece of spring/summer artwork for about 10 bucks! My family and I love it {and we’re the ones who have to look at it every day}.
I’m linking up with Layla over at the Lettered Cottage…so go check out some more fun How To’s!
{She’s got a great one herself today!!}
Thanks for visiting...have a Beautiful day {especially if it gets a little Crazy}!