It's time for another What If? Wednesday, so here we order, rhyme or reason, I'm all over the place! :)
WHAT IF chocolate lowered your cholesterol???

WHAT IF you could no longer eat, drink or speak? Like movie critic Roger Ebert, amazing story! (You caught me, I watched Oprah for a few minutes last night)
WHAT IF we spent less time "hatin' on" celebrities & reality tv personalities?
WHAT IF we spent more time "lovin' on" people we actually know??
WHAT IF Olympic Snowboarder Shaun White (aka the Flying Tomato) was on Dancing with the Stars? He could put down an isane double McTwist 1260, it would be tight!...Huh?
WHAT IF you could actually convince a teenager they really will use algebra in real life?
WHAT IF you are over 30 and you could actually convince a teenager of anything?
WHAT IF we made a BIG deal out of God EVERY DAY??????????
WHAT IF every color made you look skinny? I'm just sayin...
WHAT IF we all really do have a "Hillbilly Bone" down deep inside? Can't get this catchy song out of my head!
Don't forget to allow yourself to ask "what if?"...Have a beautiful day!