Today, it's our Boomerang Express Vacation Bible School Kick-Off at 3pm. We woke up to pouring rain this morning, so we have been praying for it to finish so we can have the event outdoors. My husband, Brad, is really praying because we lined up a mini train and the company couldn't provide someone to drive it so he gets to play engineer for a couple of hours. I'll have to add pictures of that to my list of things to post. The sun just poked it's head out, so I think there's hope - yea God!
Before this it was VBS preparations & decorating; before that a wedding; before that recovering from a mission trip; before that a mission trip; before that graduation...and those were just the things in addition to "?normal?" life...
Yes, life is Crazy and Beautiful...but you probably already knew that! I will make picture downloading & editing, and blog posting part of my "for-me" down time during VBS this next week -- I'll probably need it!